Ep 02

Graham Broyd, the unexpected author:  how youthful adventures caught a publisher’s eye and turned a banker into a writer

Graham Broyd thought he’d write down the stories of his adventures as a 20-year-old from the UK hitchhiking across the United States, stories he’d been telling friends for decades.  Through a series of improbable events, Forbes publishing discovered him, and the result is Graham’s forthcoming book, "Backpack Jacket Surfboard."

We talk about Graham’s experience working with the Forbes editorial team, Graham also compares his experience self publishing his book on the Panama Canal treaties to the more comprehensive and professional approach taken by Forbes for his hitchhiking memoir.  He also discusses the potential challenges of marketing and distribution, as the success of the book will depend on him engaging with audiences in traditional in-person appearances.

We also touch on personal reflections from his journey that include his father’s service as an RAF Lancaster Bomber pilot in WWII.

Note:  While this episode was edited for time constraints, Graham’s full interview, which includes a deep dive into the financial issues of different options for aspiring writers, agent vs publisher vs hybrid vs self-publishing, is available in the extended version in the Season 1 playlist.

Key Points

  • Graham initially wrote his hitchhiking stories just for his amusement and to share with friends, not expecting to publish a book.  

  • After seeing his social media posts about potentially writing a book, Forbes reached out to Graham and offered him a publishing deal. 

  • Graham went through an extensive editorial process with Forbes, working with editors to refine and polish his manuscript.  They helped him expand on the personal reflections and impact of his experiences, rather than just recounting the stories.  

  • Graham also self-published an earlier book on the Panama Canal treaties as a learning experience before working with Forbes and compared the two processes. 

  • Graham’s father's history as a young RAF bomber pilot during WWII is woven into the narrative of the book.  


Ep 03


Ep 01